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Radon Mitigation For New Builds And Apartments

Accorinding To The EPA, PASSIVE Mitigation Systems Are NOT EFFECTIVE

And APARTMENTS Also Need Mitigated!!

Radon Gas Causes Lung Cancer

How Much Do You REALLY Know About The Dangers of Radon?

Are your new build and rental customers’ children and pets safe in the brand new beautiful homes or apartments you just created for them?  Probably NOT.

The EPA states 22,000 people die every year from cancer caused by radon gas in their homes.  Radon is a natural colorless, tasteless and odorless gas that causes lung cancer.  Radon can reside at dangerous levels inside homes, apartments, schools and other buildings.  Exposure to radon gas is the #1 cause of lung cancer in the United States for non-smokers, and radon gas is the #2 overall cause of lung cancer in the United States.  Radon even kills more people than drunk driving each year.

Radon Levels Are Horrific In Central Ohio

Don't Assume Everything Is Alright In Your New Build Home or Apartment

2/3 of Ohio is in the Federal EPA Zone 1, which is the most severe level of radon tested.  According to the EPA Radon Heat Map, ALL OF CENTRAL OHIO is in the worst level of radon, Zone 1, which are levels greater than 4 pCi/L.  Thus, active fan-driven radon mitigation systems MUST BE installed by a licensed professional at levels listed this high, per the Federal EPA Guidelines.

Zone 1:   Highest Radon Potential (greater than 4 pCi/L) - Radon Mitigation MUST BE Installed By A Licensed Professional.

Zone 2:  Moderate Radon Potential (from 2 to 4 pCi/L) - Radon Mitigation SHOULD STILL BE Installed By A Licensed Professional.

Zone 3:  Low Radon Potential (less than 2 pCi/L) - A Radon Mitigation System Does Not Need Installed.

Apartments On Flats Need Mitigated Too!

Just Because Your Apartment Doesn't Have A Basement, It Isn't Safe...

Educational Message

Do you live in a 1st floor apartment?

Do you live in a condo with no basement?

Does your house not have a basement?

Guess what, YOU ARE NOT EXEMPT FROM RADON!! Just because you have no basement or live on a flat/slab doesn't mean you are "safe" from the dangers of radon.

The Radon Reaperz™ has fixed SO MANY apartment developments from the dangers of radon and NONE of them have had basements.  Yet ALL of the properties have had many units with high levels of radon (some pushing 20 pCi/L, which is like smoking 50 cigarettes a day).

Ask your property manager when the last time your apartment/condo complex was checked for its radon levels. They are supposed to check the radon levels every two years.

Passive vs. Active Radon Mitigation Systems

As A Builder, Are You Doing The Right Thing For Your Buyers?

Passive, or non-fan-driven mitigation, which has sometimes been used in recent new build installs for both houses and apartments in Central Ohio, are not truly effective in protecting families against radon.  An active fan-driven radon mitigation system is similar to a passive system, except it has a low gauge radon fan installed.  It consumes very little energy (less than a 60 watt light bulb) and greatly reduces soil gas and moisture intrusion.


PROTECT YOUR NEW BUILD CUSTOMERS AND RENTERS!  All of these problems can be avoided in all of your new builds by having an active fan-driven radon mitigation system installed.  An active radon mitigation system consists of a vent pipe, active fan blower, and the proper sealing of cracks and sump pump pits.  This system collects radon gas from underneath the foundation and vents it to the outside of your home from above the roof line.  According to Federal EPA Laws, fan-activated radon mitigation systems must be installed by nationally certified radon mitigation professionals....such as the Radon Reaperz™.

6 Major Benefits During Construction Installation

The Importance of Radon Mitigation Installs During Initial Construction:

  1. Radon levels will be extremely low almost instantly in your new home build with fan activated mitigation systems.  Passive systems are not very effective and most need to be fan-activated anyways after initial construction to reduce the radon to a safe Federal EPA Level.  In March of 2021, our Founding Co-Owner Nathan Ricker, had his personal family home drastically reduced from a horrific 9 pCi/L of radon gas to < 1 pCi/L of radon gas in less than one day after installation of an active fan mitigation system.  IT WORKS WELL!!

  2. Passive mitigation systems in new builds are often installed incorrectly since they are not built or overseen by a licensed mitigation professional…usually the builder has the plumbing contractor install the radon mitigation pipe.  This will eventually need totally or partially rebuilt by a licensed mitigation professional to truly be effective at lowering radon levels in the home and also meet Federal EPA Standard Guidelines. 

  3. Lower costs during initial active mitigation installs versus the passive systems due to less gravel and less poly-sheeting or vapor barriers needing installed during construction.

  4. By building-in active fan mitigation during initial construction of the home or apartment, we are able to hide the radon escape pipe inside the walls of the house and vent out the roof surface (much like the bathroom plumbing vent pipes which remove gases and odors), versus mitigation installed post-construction which must be external of the house and definitely doesn’t give the same “curb appeal” to your customers. 

  5. Active Fan Mitigation prevents moisture and musty odors caused by general basement and sump pump pit moisture.  Active fan systems dry out the basement and remove musty smells much like an independently sold home dehumidifier.

  6. MARKETING!!  Politicians in both Powell, Ohio and Dublin, Ohio have been trying since 2018 (and still are) to pass laws for new build homes to REQUIRE installation of active fan mitigation systems by a licensed mitigation professional BEFORE move-in of the new home owner (  BE A LEADER in this field and gain an edge in radon mitigation implementation upon construction by hiring RADON REAPERZ™ to be your designated active fan radon mitigation installation contractor!  This shows you will go the extra mile for your clients and you truly care about their health and well-being!  BE A LEADER!! 

The Radon Reaperz™ offers nationally licensed and state of the art Radon Mitigation and Testing Services for apartments, residential home installs, and all your corporate compliance needs.


TOGETHER, we can save your customers’ lives and change their fate against radon and lung cancer.

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